“Give Me One Evening
And You’ll Be Able To Destroy
Any Attacker In Seconds
Using Only Your Bare Hands”

Impossible? Not when you realize...

Read on to learn about the ultimate ‘game-changer’
for surviving today’s street violence…

The dirty little secret that NO ONE in the self-defense world has ever explained to you... until now!

Dear Friend,

There is nothing more terrifying… more traumatizing… then finding yourself or your family in a violent situation and not knowing what to do.

After something like that happens to you, your life and how you look at it can be radically altered. Most people search for something to help them not feel helpless or powerless ever again.

Some turn to martial arts, but get frustrated by the amount of time it takes to become proficient. Years, if they’re lucky. Even then, their skills rapidly decline if not practiced often.

Other people look to firearms as the ultimate self defense solution. Guns work great, and given the choice I’d rather have my Glock any day of the week.

But the reality is, most violent encounters are over in less than 5 seconds – faster than even a skilled marksmen can draw their weapon and get off a shot!

And let’s face it… every day the politicians are slowly whittling away our basic right to defend ourselves. (In California, it’s illegal to even carry most types of pepper spray).

Now, thanks to George Zimmerman, the government is waging an all-out-assault on the “stand your ground” laws that many states fought so hard to implement. It’s almost as if they want thugs and violent criminals to win!

They say the “police” are there to protect us. Yet I have many friends who are officers and do you know their response? “You’re on your own for at least 20 minutes, if not more!”

These days there are so many places you can’t carry.

How do you handle that angry kid who suddenly sticks a knife to your throat while at a concert with your wife? What’s your response to the cold steel of a gun barrel buried into your skull when it’s late at night and you’re standing in a dark parking lot fumbling for your car keys?

And today, even when you can carry concealed, more and more events & venues have their own security and screening to catch all weapons at the entrance.

You Need A System You Can Learn
Quickly & Easily... One that
Works Every Time... Without Fail!

Something that will be just as effective ten years from now, even if you never practice another day in your life.

A system like that does exist.

It’s uniquely effective methods (which use violence as your ultimate survival tool) are simple and easy to master, yet are so devastatingly effective at close combat they’re used by elite military and government agencies alike.

My name is Tim Larkin and I’m well known in the self defense & close-combat training world, but ‘under-the-radar’ to most ordinary folks.

For nearly 20 years I’ve been the guy operations like the US Navy SEALs, Army Special Forces and US Border Patrol call in behind-the-scenes to teach them when it’s “kill-or-be-killed.”

I’m not saying that to brag. I just want you to know that I’m hands-on with some of the most lethal fighting forces in the world today.

And unlike a lot of other self defense “guru’s” out there right now… I spend most of my timetraining others how to defend themselves.

Still, I’ve been featured on many TV news programs (including the ABC News documentary below), as well as in prestigious magazines such as Forbes and the Financial Times of London. I’ve appeared on several magazine covers including BlackBelt and Blitz (Australia), and earned BlackBelt’s coveted “2011 Self-Defense Instructor of the Year” award.

I train not only elite military special forces and law enforcement units, but corporate CEO’s, government officials, business leaders and civilian clients all around the world – people just like you — on how to use these same principles of surviving life-or-death violence in your everyday life.

“The Most Devastatingly Powerful,
Scientifically-Proven Self Defense System
In The World Today.”

My system is called Target Focus Training (TFT) and it lets you quickly stop any attacker dead in his tracks by inflicting crippling pain to easily damaged body parts using simple, intuitive movements you can instantaneously do… even if you’re older, struggle with debilitating injuries or have no prior self-defense training.

That’s because the system behind TFT is the only one of its kind designed from the ground up to focus on injuring an attacker… NOT defending yourself.

Watch what this ABC News documentary (produced by 8-time national Emmy award-winning reporter, David Ono) has to say about TFT:

Causing Injury To The Other Guy
Is The ONLY Thing
That Allows You To Walk Away... Alive.

It doesn’t matter how active, athletic, coordinated or healthy you are…whether you’re a shredded MMA fighter, couch potato, a stay-at-home mom, even a grandmother… you can quickly learn to neutralize even multiple armed attackers!

The fact is… anyone can learn how to use lethal force.

Now, before I go any further, you should know that there are others in the self defense community who would have you believe liberals everywhere are falling over themselves trying to get these other programs banned. But it’s just clever marketing…

The reality is…

My System...
Already HAS Been Banned!

Because it’s so easy and simple to learn my system gives everyday people tremendous power and control… and that’s something the authorities in the UK are terrified of. They’d much rather have you depending on first responders (the police) for help… even though everyone there understands most violence is over long before the police arrive.

Because of this, the Home Secretary of Britain has PERSONALLY banned me from entering the country to teach my system (this would be the equivalent of Hillary Clinton here in the U.S. personally making that decision).

In a country that doesn’t allow guns, they’ve chosen to prevent their citizens from having the knowledge to protect themselves.

Now, you need to understand… a system this effective didn’t just happen overnight. It involved years of development and millions of dollars in military spending.

Let Me Explain...

I was lucky growing up.

I had an Irish grandfather who taught me how to box, so at a very early age I gained a confident self assurance. When I became a teenager I found the martial arts and became a very successful competitor. I believed because I did so well in my competitions, I knew how to fight.

How wrong I was!

At a party one night, I struck up a conversation with a really cute girl who was standing alone in the corner. At one point, I saw the blood drain from her face and her eyes go wide. I turned around to see her very large boyfriend running full speed, determined to rip my head off.

It Was the First Time I Discovered
How Useless the Martial Arts Were
Against a Determined Attacker.

Quickly assessing the situation I decided to meet this charging bull with my fighting coup d’état … my “deadly” triple roundhouse kick series.

Now had the judge been there to score I’d have won right then. I absolutely smoked him.

The Only Problem Was He Didn't Stop!

In fact I don’t think he even felt the kicks. He knocked me on my butt and it was only thanks to Gramps street fighting classes that I survived.

Here’s the kicker… I returned to my ‘dojo’ to speak with my sensei. As I described the fight, he abruptly stopped me and said that I did the wrong thing attempting to use my martial arts training in a fight!

He then proceeded to show me some pretty effective moves that would have been nice to know the night before. When I asked him why we never trained techniques like that he dismissed it with a wave of his hand and said “That’s ‘fighting.” What I teach at the dojo is the ‘art’.”

That Was A Life Changing Moment For Me.

I silently decided right then and there I was going to really learn how to fight…. and leave the ‘arts’ to the competitors.

I spent years studying every combat system I could. Books, seminars, class-after-class…it became apparent that the only place I was going to learn how to really defend myself was in the military.

So I joined the Navy as an officer, was accepted into the SEAL training program and made it almost all the way through the training. On one of my last dives, an explosive accident ruptured my eardrums. After training most of my life to become a SEAL, I was medically discharged.

It was the low point in my life.

But my hard training wasn’t in vain. Along the way the brass had noticed me and I went to work for Admiral Le Moyne, founder of Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC) and the first commander in charge of all Navy SEALs.

I was eventually asked to join a special program tasked to improve the out-of-date hand-to-hand combat training the Spec Op community was currently using.

Back then, hand-to-hand combat was viewed as archaic… like horses in the cavalry. Since WWII it was pretty much regulated to a “motivator” for the troops.

The feeling was if things got down to hand-to-hand in a combat operation, something had gone wrong. Very wrong.

In real world combat situations, the top SEAL teams were discovering that what they had been taught was woefully ineffective.

The Military Was Using Old, Antiquated
Training Techniques!

Many of the close combat techniques being taught went back to World War II!

While they were effective 70 years ago when Captain America was punching Hitler in the face, the men who created them couldn’t conceive of the violent world today…

A big problem with the training was that the military (and most people in the world) had grown too comfortable with their weapons, thinking these would always save their butt when they needed them.

It Was Time For A Combat Upgrade!

The US Naval Special Warfare Command laid out 5 specific criteria that the new system had to meet:

  1. The system had to be something that didn’t require speed, strength or athletic skill.
  2. It had to be easily and rapidly learned and retained by all personnel.
  3. It had to seamlessly integrate with all weapons.
  4. It had to easily escalate from non-lethal to lethal.
  5. It had to be 100% effective – in other words…it must work EVERY time without fail.

What the SEAL’s demanded in a fighting system back then is exactly what you need to protect yourself and your family today.

Every Single Martial Art, Combat Sport,
Fighting System and Technique
Was Brought In, Tested...
And All Failed!

No resource or expense was spared in the search for a new system. (After all, this was the U.S.Naval Special Warfare Command… and SEAL teams were considered the fiercest fighting force on the face of the earth!)

After months of study and review, not a single system or technique was able to handle the very real needs of the Special Operations community.

The overall problem was that most martial art systems or combat sports just took too long to learn and were designed to win a competition rather than kill an enemy.

Then I Had A Stroke Of Good Luck...

One day, while out for lunch I came across a small, dingy Martial Arts studio in downtown San Diego. I went in to watch a class and discovered it was unlike anything I had ever seen. There were no “stances”, no “routines”… just pure, aggressive, effective violence practiced against each person there.

I signed up and studied this new type of fighting. It was the first time I realized that in a life-or-death situation – you needed to know how to use “violence as a survival tool.”

Every fighting system in the world relies on “rules” and “forms” to KEEP people from injuring or killing each other.

But in the real world, when the strung out heroin addict needs your money to get his next fix, there are NO rules! For him, taking your money is a life-or-death situation… and you can be damn sure he has no qualms killing you by whatever means necessary!

I took my instructor and his method of fighting to the Military and it passed every scenario they threw at it.

It Was The ONLY Method To Meet
ALL The Criteria The Military Needed It To.

The military had spent millions in research and training… ultimately deploying what was considered the most lethal system ever developed.

After exhaustive field testing, the system was credentialed and assigned official course numbers in the US Dept. of Defense classification… something that had NEVER happened in the history of US hand-to-hand combat training!

After I left the military and began teaching civilians (Fortune 100 companies to begin with, then Law Enforcement, SWAT and security teams plus everyday people)…

I Discovered A Much More
Effective Way To Teach This System.

The biggest challenge for civilians is their MINDSET. In the military we are trained to “kill or be killed.” If someone attacks you with a knife, you break his arm, take his knife and stab him in the throat with it.

But as a “civilized” society we’re trained to avoid violence through communication.

Unfortunately, That Mindset Is
Exactly What Gets Most People Killed.

And as victims of violence learn the hard way – in the real world, the only person who has your back is YOU!

Listen to what some of my students have to say about TFT:

"One of the most devastating
self protection systems..."

“As President of the International Society of Close Quarter Combatants, I’ve seen and tested perhaps hundreds of various martial arts and self defense programs.

Tim’s ‘Target Focus Training’ is by far one of the most devastating self protection systems I’ve trained in throughout nearly 30 years of combatives training. What I particularly found amazing was the ability to almost instantly ‘infuse’ these powerful tactics into the body’s mind-muscle connection.

The result is a natural ‘flow’ to the movements that waste no time in taking out any attacker in mere seconds while instilling bullet-proof confidence that if YOU are the only thing standing between a violent criminal and your family hiding behind you…you’ll know EXACTLY what to do to destroy the threat and walk away safe!”

- Jeff Anderson
President, Intl. Society of
Close Quarter Combatants

“Intense, effective, highly recommended. An incredible experience."

Larkin and his instructors are the absolute best in their field. Everyone else is four steps behind. What I liked was the intensity, the lack of unnecessary info, jargon and fluff. A complete focus on the fundamentals, the total concentration on results. With this system:

1) You will learn what Larkin says you will learn, and

2) The course is exactly as advertised — intense, targeted, focused training designed to produce immediate results.”

- Mark D. Fabiani, Crisis Mgt Consultant
La Jolla, CA

“Finally I have learned something
that applies to real life situations! "

“The TFT camp exceeded my expectations from the material taught and it’s application in real life to the superior teaching method applied.”

- Steven LaMania
Bradenton, FL

“Surpassed any expectations that
I could have imagined"

“At last someone tells the truth! Everything was broken down to the simplest of terms and nothing was kept secret from anyone. Well Done!”

-William Allen
Mapleton, ME

“Being a police officer I thought that my gun was the most lethal weapon..."

“I now know that my brain is the most lethal weapon and I no longer will fear over getting into a situation where I can’t get to my weapon or whether someone attempts to take my weapon. Excellent!”

- Aaron Gardiner
Sheriff Deputy, Houston, TX

I could go on. In fact, I have hundreds and hundreds more just like these.

And Now, I’m doing Something Special for those of you who took the time to go through the MasterClass!

I’ve created a special introductory “How to Survive” training package just for you since you have taken the time to watch the MasterClass, and are genuinely interested in learning this information!

It’s called the Target Focus Training Survival Pack  and it contains what I consider to be my core material…the information that makes you immediately effective at saving your life or the life of your family should unexpected violence strike.

In a violent world, you need something that you can put into use today, RIGHT NOW… not weeks, months or years from now.


Get my best selling Introductory Course (normally $97) and all the bonuses, delivered online through our Virtual Training Center for

ONLY $27!

Here's What You Will Find In This
Exclusive Package:

Lesson 1 & 2: Defining Violence

In this first lesson we clearly spell out what dealing with ‘real’ violence is all about, including examples of what it means to be in a true life-or-death situation.

It’s some pretty graphic stuff, but violence you’ll face on the street today is FAR worse than you can begin to imagine. That’s why you must see this material to understand what you’re up against. This is what you must prepare for if you hope to survive. It’s not easy to watch… but it’s necessary.

Many People Think Of MMA, Combat Sports,
Even The UFC As "Violence".

They’re not.

They’re all sports. And this means they ALL have rules in place to keep people safe.

TFT is NOT about defense, it’s NOT about protecting yourself, it’s NOT about how to win a bar fight. Plain and simple – TFT is about doing whatever it takes to survive.

It’s the original reality-based survival system… taught to US Navy SEALS back in the late 1980’s… and still taught to these fearless warriors TODAY in week-long sessions in San Diego.

What you’ll see on these videos is no different than what’s initially taught to the SEAL command either.

And that’s why watching them will forever change the way you think about violence and self protection.

For the first time the veil will be down and you can really prepare.

It’s the stuff NOBODY else in the self-defense world will even talk about.

These videos reveal:

Lessons 3-8: Targeting For Injury

While we spend more than a day of our 2-day live training classes focused on identifying specific “targets”…

In these lessons, we’ve included
6 key target ‘areas’ that give you a solid foundation for surviving violence
(almost 2 hours of video!).

These 6 “Targeting” videos cover subjects like:

Lesson 9: Going To Non-Functional

Once you understand how to identify and damage these 5 vulnerable body targets…

It’s time to learn the easy and safe way to practice putting these targets to use against another person.

This is The Video That Ties Everything Together…

Up until now, you’ve been learning how to cause injury to specific targets – but these in and of themselves won’t save your life.

In this final video I show you how to sequentially attack one target after another, in random order as they naturally appear to you, until your attacker is lying on the ground, a quivering heap of non-functioning meat… (or even dead, if that’s what it takes to save your own life).

It’s this one-of-a-kind process that allows you to quickly learn how to instantly handle ANY type of violence, without memorization, regardless of your size, athletic ability, or physical limitations.

NO other self defense program on the market teaches you this because they think it’s too extreme (it’s why TFT is banned in the UK today). But if you’re a young mother or father and need to protect your children… there is no such thing.

In this video you will learn:

Lesson 10: Two Part Introduction To Firearms

This two part lesson covers aspects that EVERY person taking steps to lead a safer life must know…EVEN if you don’t own or carry a firearm!

In this video you will learn:

Lesson 11: Two Part Introduction To Free-Practice

Free-Practice is the KEY to the most effective self-protection system ever created!

This lesson covers how to string all of your new-found knowledge and abilities together into a subconscious program you will instantly be able to recall

In this video you will learn:

There is No Risk When You Order
The Survival Pack Today
Because It Comes With...

And If You Still Aren't Convinced...
I Am Going To Include These Bonuses:

BONUS #1: How To Survive The Most Critical 5 Seconds Of Your Life - AUDIO BOOK

There’s no fluff here! Over 200 pages of raw, brutal truth!

This book is the foundation to the entire TFT system. It was written for the everyday layperson that clearly and unemotionally makes the case for using violence as your ultimate survival tool.

Controversial yet compelling, it has been called “the only book of its kind that takes you behind the scenes of true criminal violence and shows you WHAT you must do to survive it.

In this book you will learn:

BONUS #2: 3 Additional Training Videos

#1 – Injuring the Rib Cage

Learn about another vulnerable target area on the body that will result in devastating injury from relatively simple strikes.

(Remember, “Strikes” in TFT are NOT punches and kicks. You don’t need speed or strength to do damage the way I teach you).

The more targets you have access to, the higher your chances of survival.

In this bonus video I’ll walk you through how to easily strike this targets, the trauma you’ll likely cause and the situations when (and why) you’ll want to avoid striking these areas altogether.

#2- Minimum Training For Maximum Effect

You’re going to learn the unique process Target Focus Training uses to teach you how to put together a system of self-protection that requires NO memorization and NO monotonous repetitive training of traditional techniques. (You’ll never use those in truly random street violence anyway!)

This bonus video lets you watch “Free Practice” in action with two of our instructors. This unique training approach allows you to focus on only ONE thing at a time, enabling you to act in spite of your worst fears… and in the process take control of a worst-case situation.

It’s a short video… but one you’ll watch over and over again. It’s what you ultimately want to strive for in your practice.

#3 – The Tueller Drill: Your Gun Is Useless At Close Range

In a famous police study called the “Tueller Drill”, officers showed that when a rushing attacker was within 21 feet, even trained officers could not draw and shoot before he overwhelmed them.

People who own a gun mistakenly believe they are protected against any type of violence as long as they have access to their firearm.

The shocking truth is that accessing your gun during a violent encounter requires far more time than anyone could imagine.

Here, I explain why this happens, and include the actual video of Sgt Dennis Tueller, the man who conducted the original tests.

The results show you why you must possess solid hand-to-hand skills to handle close quarters attacks. Your gun is NOT sufficient to protect you..

You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain! Take action today and learn these life saving skills. Thank You for reading – And STAY SAFE!
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